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11:11 Gateway Activation – Sound Bath Meditation


The 11th day of the 11th month is a magical auspicious day for spiritual work. Register for our 11:11 Gateway Activation Sound Bath Meditation!


The 11th day of the 11th month is a magical auspicious day for spiritual work. Our guides use this day to communicate with us, and to help us walk our most divine path. The numbers 11/11 are said to bear a celestial vibration, linking us to the celestial beings, angels, and spirits that guide or walk on this journey.

November 11th, is a portal in time that serves as an energetic catalyst for spiritual awakening, ascension and transformation.

The numbers 1111 also represents four pillars of light, forming a divine container of Archangel energy.

The shape of 11 literally forms a doorway, a passage through, a gateway to something different – to something more. When we walk through this doorway, we begin vibrating at a higher frequency activating light codes through your cellular DNA.

The 11:11 gateway is what numerologists call The Portal of Transformation.