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Crystalline Reiki ~ Sound Bath Experience


This is a unique collaboration between Reiki and Crystal Sound Frequency, two powerful forms of healing.


This is a unique collaboration between Reiki and Crystal Sound Frequency, two powerful forms of healing.

Reiki is a holistic healing modality used to restore balance and harmony to the mind, body and spirit. This healing energy is intuitive and can assist with a number of things including clearing energetic blocks, cleansing the aura, releasing the pain of past traumas, chakra balancing, bringing the recipient back to a state of spiritual well being and encourage healing on all levels of your being.

The sound and vibration of our crystal singing bowls penetrates deep into our very cells and rebalances them through oscillation and resonance. Studies have proven that sound has a direct impact on our mental processes, nervous system, digestive system, circulatory system and so much more. Alignment with the these crystalline frequencies is one of the most dynamic forms of sound healing found today.