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Red Jasper


Red Jasper was considered a crystal of endurance and vibrancy, a promoter of justice, life and protection, and warriors’ amulet.

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Red Jasper is a holy and ancient stone.

Red Jasper was considered a crystal of endurance and vibrancy, a promoter of justice, life and protection, and warriors’ amulet. The stone halted the blood of wounds, increased fertility and stirred the pulse.

If you want to reconnect with Earth’s grounding energies and alleviate stress, you can either carry or wear red Jasper. This stone’s cleansing effect can get rid of negativities returning them to their sources and stabilize the aura. Red Jasper is also a rubbing and worry stone that can soothe the nerves and restore balance.

On the other hand, this stone is perfect for clearing your mind during contemplation, meditation or prayer. The high spiritual energies of Red Jasper will boost endurance and focus during a long ceremony and practice. It is also valuable when it comes to establishing a new spiritual discipline. It is also an excellent stone for astral travel and shamanic journeying and will offer vivid dream recall.

Red Jasper will also stimulate passion in your creative work, allowing you to manifest new and fresh ideas. It brings self-mastery and focus.

Red Jasper is associated with lower chakra that is why it is holding strong protective properties. It will help you to feel grounded in today’s world. Moreover, the stone comes with uncanny capabilities in order to stir up your life force by shaking sluggish energies from all of your energy points.

If you’re having a hard time standing your ground or facing the things that take power and courage, this stone can offer you that fire in you. Red Jasper is a stone that can bring to light your inner powers. That is why it is the perfect option for people with challenges to face.

Additional information

Weight .5 lbs
Dimensions 10 × 7 × .75 in