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Third Eye Activation Sound Bath Meditation


When you learn how to open your third eye chakra, you will be able to welcome an infinite source of divine energy. Your third eye will enable you to enhance your perspective and gain a new understanding of the universe.


Through this activation it is believed that the pineal gland releases neurochemicals that enhance altered states of consciousness. Spiritual teachers and scientists indicate that the pineal gland is associated with gaining the ability to directly interface our consciousness with the higher realms and that of the Divine.

It is believed that having an open or activated third eye center helps you to have higher levels of intuition, clarity, imagination, and extra-sensory perception that connects you with the divine realm. An open third eye center also gives you psychic ability to see beyond the material world, to perceive truth and the secrets of the Universe.

During meditation, when the third eye or pineal gland is activated, it acts like a radio receiver that can tune into different frequencies that carry information and transduce them into profound, lucid visual imagery. This meditation will help you practice opening the doorway between your conscious mind and your subconscious mind to create a more mystical or inter-dimensional experience.

When you learn how to open your third eye chakra, you will be able to welcome an infinite source of divine energy. Your third eye will enable you to enhance your perspective and gain a new understanding of yourself and the universe. By opening your third eye, also known as the pineal gland, you can add insight, intuition, concentration, decisiveness, and clarity to your life.