The intent of this article is to provide some research to some of the many biological mechanisms that are activated by sound and music or the therapy known as vibrational medicine. This article will discuss the many benefits of sound therapy.
Since the development of quantum physics, discoveries have been made in medical physics reveal that the body is a complex interplay of bio-fields in which energy and information flow throughout the organism. At the level of the cell, information is exchanged through electromagnetic signals, biochemical signals and sonic frequencies. At the atomic level, biological complexities and energy-information flow, can be viewed in terms of vibration.
Nobel Laureate, Max Planck, said:
“All matter originates only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this minute solar system of the atom together”. It is in this context that vibrational medicine has its roots: considering the energetic or vibrational interconnectedness of the mind-body system.
Because the body is comprised of vibrational energy, this expanded medical model will show how a wide variety of vibrational and energetic modalities are available to holistically support a persons journey back to health, including sound and music.
Read full article here:
Sound Healing Biological Mechanisms – by John Stuart Reid